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Journeys in Research Writing

An online course for all postgraduate students, designed as a generic resource to support research writing

Writing your World

This is a gateway academic writing course aimed at anyone transitioning to university and those seeking a refresher after a break. 

Navigating Research Writing

The main focus of this blended course is to understand and articulate your research in a written product of your choice

Writing for Postgraduate Completion Programme

An intensive, structured, tailored three-month programme focusing on writing craft and practices required in the final four to five months of the Masters and PhD research journeys. 

Research Writing in the Sciences

An opportunity to practice scientific writing in diverse forms including the thesis,  journal articles, abstracts and popular science writing.

Language Development Group (LDG)

Academic Development Programme (ADP)

Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED)

5th Floor, Hoerikwaggo Building

North Lane, Upper Campus

University of Cape Town

South Africa


Catherine Hutchings, PhD


Taahira Goolam Hoosen

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