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Your conclusion will round of this part of your research journey. It will revisit your initial hypothesis and research questions and will sum up the findings and implications as well as indicate what further research could be done as a result of your findings. And importantly it highlights the value of your research and the contributions it has made
to the field.
Writing Resources
A letter to your writing
Doctoral Writing; Practices, Processes and Pleasures
Helping to say things in writing:
Gaining confidence- sharing writing:
Useful to think about in note-taking:
Writing the Discussion chapter:
Writing the intro / setting the scene:
Getting the thesis finished:
Citation blues:
On research questions - good and bad:
Types of research papers and writing a research paper:
Tips for a literature review:
Supporting students in the Literature Review:
Academic writing: from tiny text to road map:
Conclusion - doesn't include recommendations:
The gap question:
Writing a proposal:
Strengthening your argument:
Dealing with negativity and loneliness:
Another way to get started:
Tackling writer's block:
Dislodging stuck writing:
Refresh your writing ideas:
Writing for your audience:
Avoid the passive voice:
Last minute proofing:
Your literature as a wheel:
Using the Greek Drama approach to your academic writing:
On writing conclusions - what to give attention to:
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